Locksmith Hong Kong

Locksmith Hong Kong

本公司擁有多年鎖類工程經驗,於行內擁有一定知名度, 亦不時接受報章雜誌訪問。

有別於其他開鎖網店,本公司除提供專業鎖類工程服務外,旗下設有數間實體店,由鎖匙到大型夾萬都可以在各分店找到。 如閣下遇上零件停產的問題,本公司更可以為你度身訂造零件,從而節省更換新鎖的費用。Locksmith Hong Kong



專業設備包括: CNC四軸加工中心,數控車床,數控等離子切割機,數控激光切割機,3D打印機,激光打標機,UA打印機等

專業服務包按:24小時開鎖 , 緊急開鎖 , 換鎖 ,改匙 ,夾萬造匙 , 汽車造匙 ,零件訂造 ,零件設計。

Call on us when you get locked out or when you lose your keys. We will be there in no time to save you from the hassles of breaking down a door or damaging your auto lock.
We are your emergency locksmiths in the area. We provide prompt services in case of lockouts, re-keying or duplication of steel keys. Apart from our emergency lockout services, we offer lock installation, lock replacement and lock repairs.

We can service any lock, including those on autos, residential, industrial and commercial locks. We offer locks and other security products of high quality and durability. We offer transponder keys, code cut keys and master key systems. We source our locks, keys and other locksmith supplies from the best brands in the market.

Our company is 

bonded & insured. Our strength is that we provide a quick response to your requests. We are professionally trained, and our locksmiths are honest and hardworking. We give fast, friendly and reliable service.